Green tips for exploring Kočevsko

Author: Kočevsko

Destination Kočevsko mainly consists of forest landscapes, where green experiences await at every step of the way, and because we want to preserve nature for future generations, we have prepared some guidelines that visitors should keep in mind to be even more respectful of nature.

Instead of a car, you can discover Kočevsko by bike. In the urban area, you can rent KOLU but for uncovering the forest roads that will lead you all across the destination, which are not as busy and offer pleasant shade in the summer months, you can opt for renting a quality mountain bike at the Hostel Bearlog.

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Instead of a car, you can discover Kočevsko by bike.

Photo: Jošt Gantar in Nea Culpa

There are more than 11.000 km of marked hiking trails in Slovenia, which means that our country is created for exploring by hiking. In Kočevsko you will find many hiking trails of different difficulty levels, but in order to keep hiking safe and for hikers to successfully navigate around the destination, you can find free hiking maps at the local Tourist Information Centers (TIC Hostel Bearlog, Tourist Complex Jezero, and TIC Kočevska Reka) or connect with a local tourist or mountain guide who will be happy to show you around Kočevsko and lead you to all the interesting and beautiful corners of our destination. Contact TIC for their contacts or browse through the list of tourist guides on our website.

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Kočevsko is intertwined with hiking trails of various difficulty levels.

Photo: Marin Medak

When exploring nature, use only marked and beaten trails, which are also safer and do not have a negative impact on nature or could cause a biological imbalance. Pay special attention to areas marked by two parallel lines, which is the label for virgin forest reserves, where the forests are left to natural development and only admired from marked trails along their edges.

Agricultural and forestry activities are carried out in many areas in Slovenia, where, without the permission of the owners, the use of land or harvesting is not allowed, and entering the hunting observatories is not allowed without the appropriate permits.

The rich plant and animal diversity should only be observed in nature, while harvesting or other damaging of protected plants, fruits or flowers and undergrowth is prohibited. Among other animals, all three great carnivores - the bear, the wolf and the lynx, still reside in our forests, which, when discovering the forests, we should notify of our presence, without causing unnecessary noise to disturb the animals. We do not approach any animals and do not touch or feed seemingly abandoned offsprings.


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Bears are cautious animals that perceive man as a danger and avoid them.

Photo: Marjan Artnak

Kočevsko is best known for the presence of brown bears, which are cautious animals who perceive humans as a danger and avoid them for afar. Although encounters between humans and bears are rare, it is smart to familiarize yourself with the rules of behavior in areas of their presence in case you encounter a bear that we published on our website before.

In nature, fire can only be lit on properly prepared fireplaces, and before leaving, the fire must be completely extinguished. Do not set fires during a fire hazard!

Always plan a visit to nature and adapt it to the current weather conditions and your capabilities. Keep your safety and the safety of others with proper footwear, clothing and other equipment (do not forget to bring enough water and food!). Water is safe to drink in Slovenia and can be found at almost every step, so we recommend using a reusable bottle. Due to karst soils, there are not many surface resources of water in Kočevsko, so make sure to always bring plenty of water with you.

Photo: Siniša Glogoški

Never dispose of waste in the wilderness, but carry it with you and dispose of it in designated waste disposal sites or at collection points.

Consider exploring the vast forests of Kočevsko without a cell phone – there is no mobile reception at some spots, so let go of from the modern mobile world, connect with your thoughts and the beautiful unspoiled nature, and most importantly - enjoy!

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